Eekelen, S. van, Zwaan, R., Nancey, A., Hazenkamp, M., Jung, Y.H. (2023): Four years field measurements in apartly submerged woven geotextile reinforced pile-supported embankment. GeoArt 2023, p.12.
FREUDENBERG PERFORMANCE MATERIALS ADVERTORIAL (2023): Constructing windmills on a sea-defense dike in The Netherlands with Enka Solutions. GeoArt 2023, p.22.
GENAP ADVERTORIAL (2023): Geomembranes for storing and separating liquids. GeoArt, p.15.
Gerritsen, R., Bezuijen, A., Dorst, K. (2023): Climate change and extreme weather conditions: the role of geosynthetics securing flood defences and coastal protection. GeoArt 2023, p. 6.
NAUE GmbH & Co.KG ADVERTORIAL (2023): Sustainable and innovative solutions with geosynthetics from Naue. GeoArt 2023, p.10.
TENSAR ADVERTORIAL (2023): Improved knowledge and research on Tensar geogrids lead to a reduction in the impact on the environment. GeoArt 2023, p.19.
Wittekoek, B., Eekelen, S. van, Bezuijen, A., Terwindt, J., Duijnen, P. van, Detert, O., Berg, J. van de (2023): Geogrid-anchored sheet pile walls under strip footing surcharge loading, small-scale experiments. GeoArt 2023, p.16.