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Eekelen, S. van, Zwaan, R., Nancey, A., Hazenkamp, M., Jung, Y.H. (2023): Four years field measurements in apartly submerged woven geotextile reinforced pile-supported embankment. GeoArt 2023, p.12.

This paper describes measurements in a partly submerged piled embankment, reinforced with geotextiles only. The seasonal effect in the measured geotextile strains strongly matches the seasonal temperature variation. No correlation with the varying groundwater table was found. The measurements remain sufficiently on the safe side of the results of the Concentric Arches model. Therefore, the CUR226:2016 design guideline may be used for this type of geotextile-reinforced pile-supported embankments, of which the embankment is installed partly below the groundwater table.

FREUDENBERG PERFORMANCE MATERIALS ADVERTORIAL (2023): Constructing windmills on a sea-defense dike in The Netherlands with Enka Solutions. GeoArt 2023, p.22.

The Netherlands is a small, densely populated country where space for any type of construction is at a premium. This is particularly true when decisions on the construction of windfarms have to be made, and every effort is made to locate these away from centers of population.

The construction of a windfarm in the north of the country is a good example of this.

GENAP ADVERTORIAL (2023): Geomembranes for storing and separating liquids. GeoArt, p.15.

Genap has been active in the horticultural, agricultural and civil engineering sectors. Dick van Regteren has been the owner and director of Genap since 2007 and is passionate about his company: "Our production facility in 's-Heerenberg is home to no less than 100 employees dedicated to the development of our membrane solutions. And we do it all under the same roof - including our own in-house laboratory and engineering departments!"

Gerritsen, R., Bezuijen, A., Dorst, K. (2023): Climate change and extreme weather conditions: the role of geosynthetics securing flood defences and coastal protection. GeoArt 2023, p. 6.

In the coming decades, it will be a great challenge to respond effectively to the global climate change, causing sea level rise, heavy rainfall, storms and extreme droughts. This response involves both climate mitigation, through CO2 reduction, and climate adaption, which requires adjusting our physical surroundings to the changed environmental conditions. Geosynthetics can play a significant role in addressing these challenges. Geosynthetics contribute to CO2 reduction, thereby limiting climate change. Additionally, applying geosynthetics in flood defences mitigates issues like higher hydraulic loads, erosion and stability concerns. This paper describes some valuable applications of geosynthetics for adapting and creating safe and resilient living areas.

NAUE GmbH & Co.KG ADVERTORIAL (2023): Sustainable and innovative solutions with geosynthetics from Naue. GeoArt 2023, p.10.

For more than 20 years, Normec QS has been providing independent, accredited services in testing, inspection and certification of plastic films, pipes, structures, renewable energy and biobased products. Since 2021, the company has been part of the Normec Group, specifically the Sustainability division. Normec QS customers find that this allows them to be served even better, also because they often need services in multiple areas. Several new international customers have therefore joined the Normec Group since 2021. The complementary services certainly contribute to this. The personal, customer-oriented approach has remained. This is typical of the entire Normec Group.

TENSAR ADVERTORIAL (2023): Improved knowledge and research on Tensar geogrids lead to a reduction in the impact on the environment. GeoArt 2023, p.19.

‘More environmentally efficient solutions’ is what authorities look for and what Tensar can deliver. By introducing Tensar’s best performing geogrid, the Tensar® InterAx® and the free, cloud-based design software Tensar+®, independently proven solutions are available that will provide benefits like best MKI-score, reduction of construction time, cost, carbon or extend design life.

Wittekoek, B., Eekelen, S. van, Bezuijen, A., Terwindt, J., Duijnen, P. van, Detert, O., Berg, J. van de (2023): Geogrid-anchored sheet pile walls under strip footing surcharge loading, small-scale experiments. GeoArt 2023, p.16.

Small-scale experiments on geogrid-anchored sheet pile walls (SPWs) under strip footing surcharge loading were conducted at the Deltares laboratory. The following was concluded from the experiments. Two slip surfaces develop, starting at the edges of the strip footing. They divide the soil behind the SPW into three zones. The paper analyses the contributions of each of these zones to the failure load of the structure. The location of the strip footing surcharge load, the geogrid length and the number of geogrid anchors all affect the failure load of the structure. Furthermore, the slip surface reorients at the intersection with geogrids, and even very short geogrid anchors contribute to the total resistance.

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