In late 2016, and A.P. van den Berg were the first companies in the Netherlands to start using the pile pushing method in combination with conventional precast concrete piles. Instead of traditional pile driving using a hammer, this system pushes precast concrete piles into the ground. This results in proven high-quality foundations that are installed without the usual noise and vibrations.
Measurements performed so far (as every pushed pile is basically a compression test in its own right) seem to corroborate that the pile base coefficient (αp) is 1.0 (instead of the factor of 0.7 used in the Dutch standard).
Thanks to continuous recording of data, the pile pushing method offers excellent opportunities for quality improvement or responsible application of safety factors. For example, the fact that this piling method measures resistance from the moment of entry into the soil and throughout the pile pushing process, much like a cone penetration test, makes it possible to correlate the load-bearing capacity, cone penetration curve, and readings from the pushing force recording system to a demonstrable safety level through expert assessment.
In other words, continuous pushing force recording will in future have to be considered a kind of (verification) cone penetration test that would make it possible to set the correlation factors (ξ) at 1.0.