International - Special 19th ICSMGE

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International - Special 19th ICSMGE


Besseling, F., Versluis, M., Bougioukos, A. (2017): Added value of advanced methods for seismic verification of existing vertical cylindrical liquid storage tanks and their foundations. Geotechniek 2017, Special ICSMGE, p8

Earthquakes cause (hydro)dynamic actions on (steel) liquid storage tanks. In static conditions the tank shell of a vertical cylindrical liquid storage tank is mainly subjected to circumferential (ring) forces. Earthquake excitation results an additional horizontal load component to the tank structure, disturbing the axi-symmetric stress state. This can cause damage if tanks are not properly designed for this specific type of load. Designs of new to be built tanks are often easily adjusted at some specific aspects in order to increase seismic resistance. Typically, simplified design codes that cover these important structural aspects are used for design. More advanced verification/design analysis specifically have significant added value for existing storage tanks not designed to resist seismic loads or for design optimizations in general. This paper focuses on these advanced seismic verification methods and relates them to the behaviour of tanks under seismic response and relevant failure mechanisms. In addition this paper focuses on specific issues that are relevant in relation to seismic design of tank foundations and liquefaction hazard and soil-structure interaction effects. Special focus is put on the shortcomings and limitations of simplified methods and the benefits that more advanced additional verifications can have for clients that develop or exploit tank storage facilities.

Breedeveld, J., Woning, M., (2017): ELGIP vision on reduction of geotechnical uncertainties for infrastructure. Geotechniek 2017, Special ICSMGE, p3

Transport infrastructure, including its connecting hubs that enable in- termodal transport, are either built on or in the subsoil, and often use soil as construction material. Consequently, the subsoil plays a critical role in the complete life cycle of transport infrastructure. However, the natural formation and (sub)base materials that support the actual surface or structure are often very much overlooked as an important part of the infrastructure system, with occasionally disastrous consequences. This article summarizes the ELGIP vision on future transport infrastructure which aims at highly optimized, risk management-driven geotechnical (re)design, construction, maintenance and operation.

Rohe, A., Martinelli, M. (2017): Material Point Method and Applications in Geotechnical Engineering. Geotechniek 2017, Special ICSMGE, p16

The concept of the material point method (MPM) is briefly introduced for the numerical modelling of large deformations and soil-water-structure interaction for applications in geotechnical and hydraulic engineering. The formulation of MPM for a fully-coupled two-phase porous material in con- tact and interaction with free surface water is used. The concept of multiple sets of material points is introduced which enables modelling of free surface water, groundwater flow, liquefaction and erosion problems. The numerical framework is implemented in the Anura3D MPM Software. Two application examples are presented, i.e. slope failure due to infiltration and due to seepage flow.

Zwanenburg, C., Luijendijk, S. (2017): New Large Diameter Sampler for soft soils. Geotechniek 2017, Special ICSMGE, p20

A new large diameter sampler, DLDS, has been developed and is operable since 2017. This sampler can retrieve undisturbed samples with 0.4 m in diameter and 0.5 or 1.0 m in height. The large sampler has two purposes. First it facilitates laboratory testing on large volumes; for fibrous peats it is shown that size effects play a role in laboratory testing. A large triaxial device and a large direct simple shear device have been developed to study the behaviour of large samples in comparison to conventional sized samples. The sampler is developed to facilitate these large scale tests. Second, the sampler can be used to retrieve high quality samples in soft, organic clay and peat for conventional laboratory testing as an alternative for block sampling. In establishing the quality of the samples a comparison is made to samples retrieved with the well-known Sherbrooke sampler.

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