International - Stress Wave Special 2022

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International - Stress Wave Special 2022


Bielefeld, M., Dorp, R. van, Moscoso, N., Fernandez Tadeo, C., Verbeek, G. (2022): Rapid load testing of foundation piles in Barcelona. Geotechniek 2022, International Special Stress Wave Conference 2022, p.10.

After the planned bi-directional load tests for a construction project in the port of Barcelona showed inconclusive results, execution of a large number of additional pile load tests was required, at short notice and with heavy test loads. This was possible by performing Rapid Load Tests (RLT), using a StatRapid device. In total 25 tests up to 12 MN were executed within 9 working days, putting the project back on track.

England, M., Profittlich, M. (2022): Bi-directional O-cell foundation testing: to optimize foundation design safely and sustainably. Geotechniek 2022, International Special Stress Wave Conference 2022, p.14.

Worldwide awareness of climate change continues to increase, as do calls for action. Reducing the carbon emissions for buildings and infrastructure can help to limit global temperature rise and achieve a net zero future. Concrete production is responsible for 5 % to 7 % of total CO2 emissions worldwide. The construction industry, and in particular the foundation industry, is able to take steps to reduce their contribution. One potential saving is through optimising the foundation of (high-rise) buildings, bridges and infrastructure projects.

Accurate foundation design is a critical area for efficient use of concrete and steel in the ground. Calibration of the design of foundations can unlock huge savings in terms of material usage and project timescales and these are best done by full-scale load testing to evaluate the pile or barrette behaviour. O-cell® bi-directional load testing can be used to verify the pile performance and compare it against the design in the most efficient, safe and cost-effective manner of all types of foundations – particularly for larger test loads. The project examples described in this article show that using full-scale static load testing with O-cell® bi-directional testing can reduce carbon emissions and improve project efficiencies.

Hölscher,P., Hopman, V., Veltmeijer, A. (2022): Development of advanced pile integrity test methods for cast in-situ piles. Geotechniek 2022, International Special Stress Wave Conference 2022, p.4.

Cast in-situ piles are sensitive for defects during installation. Therefore, integrity of the pile-shaft must be tested. Traditional sonic testing often leads to discussion on the acceptance of piles. More advanced methods that give reliable information on concrete quality and diameter of the pile at distrusted locations are required. This paper describes a field test in which several of these methods have been evaluated. Two methods (Seismic Tube and Deep Acoustic Check) are presented in more detail.

IJnsen, P. (2022): Van ’t Hek: offering specialist services around the world. Geotechniek 2022, International Special Stress Wave Conference 2022, p.9

The family owned company Van ‘t Hek was founded in 1945 in the Netherlands as a General civil contractor. In the 1970’s the company put focus on the execution of Deep Foundations by Piling and sheet pile retaining structures as a sub-contractor. Back in the day it were mainly timber - and precast concrete piles for civil works, housing and commercial building projects that Van ’t Hek drove with self - build dragline based piling rigs.

Today Van ’t Hek is market leader in the Netherlands and holds this position for already a decade. It is part of the Van ’t Hek Group, together with other subsidiary that focus on Piling or related services, each with it’s own specialization. Van ’t Hek Group is still family owned and the third generation is in charge.

Van ’t Hek is seen around the world offering it’s specialist service that, dependent on the client’s wishes can extend from pile design, through execution to pile testing and environmental monitoring and the design and construction of Special Purpose Equipment.

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